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PQ Check Standard, 0.7 µm Single-Mode Peak, Polystyrene Latex (PSL) Beads
PQ Check Standard, 0.7 µm Single-Mode Peak, Polystyrene Latex (PSL) Beads
- Designed as a PQ check standard for use in between annual calibrations for Light Scattering particle counting systems, this product can be used to verify correct particle counting instrument operation.
- Volume: 125 mL
- Standard material: NIST traceable size Polystyrene latex (PSL) spheres
- Nominal sizes and concentrations of standard particles:
- 0.7 µm PSL – 375,000 particles/mL
- Product batch will be ± 10% of the nominal concentration; individual standard bottles will be certified ± 22% of the mean concentration and particle sizes are certified ± 5% of the standard size (± uncertainty)
- NOTE: suspension may need to be diluted prior to testing to avoid coincidence counting errors; consult your instrument manufacturer’s specifications for details.
- The Certificate of Analysis includes actual concentration testing data and mean size